Welcome to the Interbull Performance Recording, Evaluation and Publication database!
The PREP database is developed and hosted at the Interbull Centre within the context of the Centre’s function as the European Union Reference Centre (EURC) for Zootechnics and enables users to upload descriptive information regarding performance recording, national genetic evaluation systems and publication policies.
The platform is accessible to all European and International Cattle breeding organisations whether or not they are involved in Interbull Centre’s International Bull evaluations for dairy (Interbull) and/or beef (Interbeef).
By clicking on "Submissions" or "Data queries" tabs, you can access all the different electronic forms submitted by Interbull/Interbeef participating countries for the different internationally evaluated traits.
Registration and log in information is required to fill in or edit the electronic forms. Contact Interbull Centre (interbull @slu.se) if you need "log in" information to access it.
Detailed information on how to best interact with the platform is available in the user manual located under the Help tab.
If you are using information from the PREPdb in your research, you can find a proper way to cite it here